Check that the CPA with which it plans to work is affiliated with the Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec is a necessary step, but does not guarantee that it has a profile suitable for his needs. This affiliation is proof that its academic level is sufficient, the firm is insured for professional liability and that its employees are regularly trained. What are the methods for finding a CPA suited to its needs?

Select a CPA who knows the business

Accounting firms are working mostly with the same type of customer and as familiar as leaders constraints, strengths and weaknesses of companies in a given sector. Well aware of regulated professions, following regular news and training related to the field, the chartered accountant control various aspects of the regulation and follow their evolution. He also knows the specialized partners and many tricks to manage the company optimally. The daily management of the sector, both administrative and accounting, has no secrets for him and control the ratios of the profession. It is also able to locate the company in its market and determine the needs of the client.

Choose an accountant who works with the same size customers

CPAs generally serve a homogeneous clientele in terms of size structures, some even specializing in assisting small businesses. Approach an accountant who already handles companies of comparable size files not only to pay consistent tariffs, but also to benefit from the expertise of a specialist who knows the problems of companies of this size. Because we do not apply the same methods of accounting and administrative management in a large company, the employees are rather specialized, and in a small structure where employees are more versatile.

Check that the CPA covers the entire mission

The scope of the mission of a chartered accountant varies according to customer wishes. We can choose to entrust its CPA with the preparation of the financial statements, add the management of payroll, book keeping him or outsource the entire accounting, tax and payroll . Generally, the mission undergoes changes over time, depending on the evolution of the business and its needs. Working with a CPA is part of a long-term relationship, it is best to select an available and competent accountant to take full charge of the mission that is to be entrusted to him, whether monthly statements, quarterly or annual, audit or review engagement or management and federal and provincial tax compliance.

Anticipating needs

A healthy business is constantly evolving. It can develop, be sold, restructure, merge or set up subsidiaries, as many turns that require the support of a CPA. Able to count on the presence of the book following the company for years during all stages of these processes is a real plus. Expert of the sector, knowing perfectly the company, it is very good advice and is positioned as the best ally of the company during these important changes, hence the need to consider the future of collaboration from inception square.

One thing is certain, choose a CPA is strategic because it is a partner that accompanies the company in the long term. After selecting the affiliated accountants Chartered Accountants of Quebec professionals who know the business and can cover all current and future business needs, a meeting is needed to confirm that the prospective CPA for this important collaboration is the appropriate one.